Podcasts & More

Podcasting is here, did you notice? An old supporter suggested that I include podcasts with my blog posts.

“But Kay, you have been putting up podcasts with your blog posts every time?”

With this site yes, my previous website, no. While I have had a little fun experimenting with podcasting, there are two issues that I can foresee arising. One, is that it takes a little time to make them. Two, since I’m currently using a free program, each podcast will expire after 90 days. So, here is my question to you: should we keep doing podcasts? Let me know your thoughts in the poll below.

Later this month you will get a chance to see where most of the magic happens, so stay tuned for that.

Speaking of seeing, I felt that I had to invest in a new camera since my previous camera gear is either old tech or low quality webcams. To put things into perspective, I have, from oldest to newest, a Bell Howell Infinite Focus film camera, a Samsung S760 Camera, my iPhone 5 camera, and my computer webcam. Now the first three cameras can put out decent photos, but I could not stand the video quality on any of them. So, I splurged on a Canon Rebel T6. Hopefully, this will open up opportunities like behind-the-scenes footage and two projects I’m working on. At the moment, I will not get into the details of the projects due to their completion being several months away. I hope you become just as excited as I am.

As always, you may leave your questions or comments in the comments section below or email through the contact page. Thank you and learn more next time.

Podcasts & More
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